Alamosa, CO

Jul 25, 2021 - Jul 30, 2021

Sandia Presbyterian Albuquerque

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About Alamosa, CO

The San Luis Valley is located in south central Colorado, 50 miles north of the New Mexico border and 280 miles south of Denver. At an elevation of 7,544 feet, Alamosa County is surrounded by the Sangre de Cristo mountain range to the east and the San Juan mountain range to the west. Established in 1878, the settlers named it “Alamosa,” the Spanish word for cottonwood trees. Agriculture, mining and the railroad fueled its growth to what is today a county-wide population of nearly 16,000 and a city population of 8,682. Amidst the beautiful scenery are families in need. Nearly 25 percent of this population lives below the poverty level, including 30 percent of those under age 18. The unemployment rate is 5.6 percent. Despite the challenges, there is a strong sense of community in Alamosa, providing a welcoming atmosphere for those who visit and serve here.

Serving in Alamosa, CO

Because of the surrounding geography, the San Luis Valley is very isolated, and resources are oftentimes difficult to attain. However, certain aspects of the area such as the availability of farm work has historically attracted many immigrants to the Valley. This has created a beautifully diverse region representing countries from across the world as well as various North American tribes. The Valley is constantly experiencing transition as many migrant workers enter in the warmer months for the farming season and then move on when the season is over. To meet the needs of the community, many people have stepped up to care for their neighbors and have invited YouthWorks into their work. There are some opportunities for children in Alamosa during the summer months, but several local pastors have shared that a consistent, faith-based, and free summer program would be beneficial to many kids and families. With this direction we will be facilitating our Kids Club program to serve in this way. We are also able to serve through minor work projects, helping with yard maintenance, some painting projects, and working alongside of organizations like one of the local farms. People that do not have the resources or the ability to complete projects on their own can benefit from the consistent presence and service of YouthWorks groups throughout the summer. YouthWorks participants will learn about life in this unique area of the country while supporting the ongoing work of local organizations . YouthWorks served in this community in the early 2000s, and returned in 2021.